Stop judging ourselves!

We are in a world where there is a lot of judgement, I am sure we are all guilty of point our fingers towards others and judging others. But, have you noticed that we can be the biggest offenders of judging ourselves?

Do you find yourself comparing yourself to other people? It’s an easy habit to get into. Sometimes it could be as little as seeing something on tv or reading an article in the newspaper or a magazine and then you start thinking “why doesn’t that happen to me?” or you may have a friend who has brought a new car or house, dress, or a trip away, and say “why can’t I have that?,” “what am I doing wrong?”.  Why are you comparing yourself to others?

Have you looked in the mirror and see something about yourself that you are not comfortable with or you just do not like? Maybe, you may have grown up or been exposed to an environment where you have been judged by others and that has made you more self-conscious of things, that cause you to start questioning yourself or judging yourself.

Do you find yourself overthinking? You maybe typing up an assignment for school, working on a project for work, but then you start doubting yourself or your ability. These things can lead us to become self-judging.  We are punishing ourselves by doing this, we are been our own critic.  Is this healthy? No, it’s not. We are causing ourselves unnecessary stress; we are pointing the finger at ourselves and we should not. We do not deserve to do this.  We do not need to Judge ourselves. We should always want to be at our best, but we should look for the good and positive things we do for ourselves rather than the negative.

Astramana™ Healing Services has many different tools to help you with looking for the good in yourself and to help you stop judging yourself. Some tools we offer are:

Reiki Healing Classes – During the first level of Reiki, you will learn how to do self-healing. This will help you work on yourself and give you the ability to do a healing session without judgement on yourself and even to work through the various issues you may have that has caused you to self-judge.

Hypnosis – If there is something holding you back from loving yourself, maybe a hypnosis session will help you with removing the negativity and striping back the past so you can move forward without self-judgement and see yourself in a positive, non-judgemental light.

Past Life Regression – A journey back in time will allow your soul to take you on a journey to the past that may have affected your current lifetime. A Past Life Regression session can help heal past issues and provide answers as to why you have certain feelings and maybe see why you judge yourself.

Astramana™ Healing Services is available to help you through your grief period.  We can teach you various healing technique to help you with the grieving process, we also can help you through hypnosis. Astramana™ Healing Services founder Jason Mackenzie is an internationally trained healer and hypnotist, a clairvoyant, tarot reader. Jason has taught healing classes internationally.

Visit our website: or email us at or call us on 021 0277 0836 with any questions or to book yourself an appointment.