Ladies Who Lawn

Ladies Who Lawn are not your typical landscape, garden and maintenance service. These Ladies do it all - rural land care, riparian planting, garden maintenance, pest management and In-school community education to name only a few. But if there’s one thing The Ladies do super well, it is to work extremely hard to provide opportunities for change in their local community.

Not only do they provide training for the lucky ladies in their team, they provide free childcare for their staff and whānau from their business premises too. “The reality of returning to work for many wahine in our community looks like spending up to a third (sometimes more) of your weekly wage on childcare. It seems like a never-ending battle to get ahead for so many. Being able to alleviate some of the financial stress for our whānau helps to build the foundations that are needed to establish systems and routines that allow you to move out of the rat race, we have had some truly beautiful examples of this in our team” - Rosie

Ladies Who Lawn are in their 3rd year of business and currently in the process of developing their nursery, Raumati Gardens. “It’s all about setting achievable goals that in time will add multiple benefit to the business model; Raumati will not only provide financial benefits and incentives, but educational opportunities for our wahine in training to get down to the nitty gritty, and learn about things like monocotyledons and dicotyledons, through to monitoring soil and growth conditions etc”- Milaan. Directors Milaan and Rosie, formerly teachers of 30 years combined, are driven by their desire to provide opportunities for other woman in the community to ‘dream big’. Ladies Who Lawn are made up of a team of ladies who are both qualified and in training who all bring different strengths to the team.  

“Great companies start because the founders want to change the world, not make a fast buck. The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. The things you regret most in life are the risks you didn’t take. There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. I know that if I fail, I won't regret that, but I know the one thing I might regret is not trying” - Milaan.