Time to rewire your home?

If you're worried about your homes electrical and wonder if it's time to rewire, here are some signs that can help determine whether you should be calling us in.

If a home is more than 30-40 years old, and the wiring has never been replaced during that time, then it's probably time to plan this project. Even if there are no obvious issues, it's likely a matter of time before problems occur. So, it is worthwhile to get on top of any issues.

Lights that flicker and dim unexpectedly could be among the first signs a home might need rewiring. A faulty lightbulb may be the cause of this issue, but it's important to check. If it continues happening, regardless of which light bulbs are in use, then the problem may be

loose wiring or perhaps faulty circuits, and it's time to call an electrician.

Blown fuses are another problem that may not be a significant issue if it happens only once in a while. However, if the fuses blow regularly, they may be older style fuses that can't support all the home's electrical appliances. Old fuses could be a sign that a home needs a circuit upgrade.

If a mild burning smell can be detected in a home, especially around the switches, that might mean the wiring is shorting out. These shorts can be small sparks behind the walls and floors and can eventually cause major damage. If you can detect this faint smell, it's crucial to call an electrician to check it out.

An obvious sign that a home needs rewiring is a need for more and more extension cords. As the number of appliances in the home increases, there may not be enough PowerPoints in rooms, so the family relies on extension cords. The uneven distribution of electricity can lead to fluctuations in power when one point becomes overloaded.

If a home is in the process of home renovating, it's a perfect time to check the wiring. If the project includes adding large appliances, then there's a good time to rewire the home first. If the wiring system is not brand new, adding new electrical appliances could significantly strain the existing system.

If you think your home is due a rewire, give us a call and we can offer you a free no obligation quote for the job.

Contact Blackout Electric for all your electrical service needs. We can be found at  021 708 097 www.blackoutelectric.co.nz or info@blackoutelectric.co.nz.